The project «Via - best practice in health promotion for the elderly» runs a coordination center which assists cantons and municipalities in the planning and implementation of programs. It develops scientific principles, provides practical advice on implementation, offers assistance and support and organizes networking and experience-sharing opportunities for stakeholders. The project aims at supporting older people’s autonomy so that they may enjoy a good quality of life and remain in their familiar surroundings for as long as possible. Via is the result of an initiative of the cantons of Berne and Zurich. In 2011, Health Promotion Switzerland took over the responsibility for the project. The ten cantons AR, BE, GR, NW, SG, SH, TG, UR, VD, ZG and other partners are currently involved in the project. In the first phase, 2010-2013, principles for different areas of action were established and field-tested tools were developed. After the second phase, 2014-2016, the intention is to develop Via into a program largely based on the cantonal action programs for healthy body weight. Currently, the following topics are elaborated: physical activity, fall prevention, nutrition and social participation. Crosscutting themes are: diversity and equal opportunity, participation of family doctors, participation of the elderly, as well as advice and guidance, courses and events.
01-01-2014 – 31-12-2016
Claudia Kessler
Andreas Biedermann
Flavia Bürgi
Andreas Biedermann
Public Health Services – Switzerland |
Flavia Bürgi
Public Health Services – Switzerland |
Claudia Kessler
Switzerland |
Jvo Schneider
Gesundheitsförderung Schweiz – Switzerland |
Ralph Marc Steinmann
Gesundheitsförderung Schweiz – Switzerland |
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Health Promotion Switzerland
Trägerschaft |
PHS Public Health Services
Koordinationsstelle |
Via - Webseite |
Via - Projektbeschrieb
File type: pdf / 587.2 KB |
Projektabschlussbericht 2010-2013
File type: pdf / 2.0 MB |
Rapport de fin de projet 2010–2013
File type: pdf / 2.0 MB |
Schlussbericht Evaluation Via 2011-2013
File type: pdf / 1.1 MB |
Rapport d'évaluation Via 2011-2013
File type: pdf / 1.1 MB |
Currently being implemented
Disseminated intervention project
Media, campaigns, Events, talks, campaign days/-weeks, exhibitions, Courses, workshops, seminars, conferences, Qualified disseminators, Consulting, coaching, Information material, textbooks, brochures, Networking, exchange, coordination, Interest representation, Advocacy, Lobbying
Both sexes
Elderly (65-79), Aged (80+)
Managers/executives, Politicians/lobbyists, General population, Professionals
Outpatient medical services, Community, leisure, associations, Family/Living space
Physical activity, Nutrition, Quality of life, Mental health, Accidents / falls
German, French