Cathy Berthouzoz

Cathy Berthouzoz


    • Promotion santé Valais
    • Secteur Addictions-CIPRET
    • rue de Porte-Neuve 8<br/>Case postale
    • 1951 Sion
    • Switzerland
    • +41275665217
Sion – Switzerland

Methodological focus

Health promotion, Health literacy, Communication, knowledge management

Thematic focus

Physical activity, Nutrition, Quality of life, Physical health, Sustainable development


Community, leisure, associations, Family/Living space

Target groups

General population

Target groups: phases of life

Older adults (50-64), Elderly (65-79), Aged (80+)

Target groups: gender

Both sexes

Qualification in Health promotion/Prevention

Further training courses


English, French

Last modification: 27 November, 2015 15:39