Fachspezialist Gesundheitsmanagement (Arbeitssicherheit/Gesundheitsschutz, Case Management, Betriebliches Gesundheitsmanagement), V-ZUG AG
Prävention & Gesundheitsförderung im Betrieb (Arbeitssicherheit/Gesundheitsschutz, Case Management, Betriebliches Gesundheitsmanagement)
Projektleitung, Bildung, Beratung, Moderation, Bewegungsförderung
dipl. Physiotherapeut, Sicherheitsfachperson EigV, div. Lehrgänge (General Management, SVEB 1, betriebl. Gesundheitsförderung...), Assessor Friendly Work Space, MAS Prävention & Gesundheitsförderung (2009-2011)
Deutsch, English
Coaching/Support, Quality development, Participatory approaches, Health promotion, Prevention, Education/further training, Marketing, Evaluation, Communication
Physical activity, Quality of life, Mental health, Physical health, Stress, Accidents / falls, Workplace health management , Sustainable development
Workplace/enterprise, Community, leisure, associations
Managers/executives, Employees in enterprises, Educators/trainers, Adolescents, Persons with migration background
Young adults (18-29), Middle-aged adults (30-49), Older adults (50-64), Youths (12-18)
Both sexes
Further training courses, Diploma, Master / Licence
German, English