Monika Lüdi Niggli, lic.oec.publ.
Gesundheitsförderung & Prävention Bildung Interkultureller Austausch Integration
Organisationsentwicklung & Management Projekt-Management Mehrsprachigkeit: D / F / E / Sp / I Beratung und Coaching
Master in Volkswirtschaft mit Schwerpunkt Regionalentwicklung - Université de Neuchâtel - 1992 Diplom in Organisationsentwicklung und Management (BSO) - ifo Muttenz - 2002 Projekt-Management Refresher (2013 und 2015) Coaching (2014 bis heute) Studieren und Arbeiten im Ausland: Canada (1984-85), Polen und Slowenien (1989), Mexiko (1992-93)
Evaluation, Coaching/Support, Quality development, Participatory approaches, Health promotion, Prevention, Communication, Marketing
Quality of life, Mental health, Physical health, Stress, Suicide, Workplace health management
Educational institutions, Hospitals/ clinics, Community, leisure, associations, Workplace/enterprise
Educators/trainers, Parents, Managers/executives, Teachers, Employees in enterprises, Students/trainees/apprentices, Persons with migration background, School children
Youths (12-18), Young adults (18-29), Middle-aged adults (30-49), Older adults (50-64)
Both sexes
Further training courses
German, English, French, Italian, Spanish