Corina Schweighauser

Corina Schweighauser

Co-Leitung Gesundheitsförderung und Prävention Kanton Solothurn; Programmleitung Aktionsprogramm gesundes Körpergewicht


    • Gesundheitsamt Solothurn
    • Kantonsärztlicher Dienst
    • Ambassadorenhof
    • 4509 Solothurn
    • Switzerland
    • 032 627 22 80

Thematic focus

Physical activity, Relaxation, Nutrition


Educational institutions, Community, leisure, associations, Family/Living space

Target groups

Educators/trainers, Parents, Teachers, Persons with migration background, Pregnant women, School children, General population

Target groups: phases of life

Small children (0-5), Schoolchildren (6-11), Youths (12-18)

Target groups: gender

Both sexes


German, English, French, Spanish

Last modification: 06 January, 2015 14:14