Edoardo Madussi

Edoardo Madussi


Focused on research in the field of health communications.



I am very interested in two big domains. Doctor-Patient communication in oncology settings and Physical Activity promotion. The former topic has developed through extensive studies in the field, and the latter can be explained mainly through a passion that I both put personally in place, and try to promote.


Empirical research applying quantitative and qualitative methods; Health campaign design and evaluation;

Education and further education

Master of Science in Management, Communication and Health at Università della Svizzera italiana

Master of Science in Business Administration at Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University

Spoken languages

Italian, English, German, French

Methodological focus

Evaluation, Empirical research, Health promotion, Prevention, Communication, Marketing

Thematic focus

Physical activity, Nutrition, Other topic


Hospitals/ clinics, Community, leisure, associations, Other setting

Target groups

Patients, General population

Qualification in Health promotion/Prevention

Master / Licence


German, English, Italian

Last modification: 19 May, 2016 23:05