Sabina Ruff

Sabina Ruff


Amt für Gesundheitsvorsorge Kanton St.Gallen - Schweiz Abteilung Gemeinden & Netzwerke


St.Gallen – Switzerland

Methodological focus

Coaching/Support, Gender perspective, Participatory approaches, Empirical research, Health promotion, Prevention, Communication, knowledge management, Education/further training, Lobbying, Health literacy

Thematic focus

Physical activity, Relaxation, Nutrition, Quality of life, Mental health, School/corporate climate, Physical health, Stress, Suicide


Educational institutions, Support and childcare facilities, residential establishments, homes for the elderly and nursing homes, prisons, Community, leisure, associations, Family/Living space

Target groups

Educators/trainers, Disabled, Parents, Unemployed, Managers/executives, Teachers, Students/trainees/apprentices, Persons with migration background, Politicians/lobbyists, Pregnant women, Socially disadvantaged people, working poor, General population, Professionals

Target groups: phases of life

Small children (0-5), Schoolchildren (6-11), Youths (12-18), Young adults (18-29), Middle-aged adults (30-49), Older adults (50-64), Elderly (65-79)

Target groups: gender

Both sexes

Qualification in Health promotion/Prevention

Further training courses, Diploma, Master / Licence


German, English, French, Italian

Last modification: 19 May, 2016 23:05