Kantonale Fachstelle für Prävention und Gesundheitsförderung Uri
Markus Fehlmann
Sandra Gisler
Simone Abegg
Simone Abegg
Gesundheitsförderung Uri – Switzerland |
Markus Fehlmann
Gesundheitsförderung Uri – Switzerland |
Eveline Lüönd
Fachstelle für Prävention und Gesundheitsförderung Uri – Switzerland |
Bruno Scheiber
Gesundheitsförderung Uri – Switzerland |
KAP "Ernährung und Bewegung"
Switzerland |
Spiel- und Bewegungsräume
Auftraggeber/Projektmanagment |
Programm Psychische Gesundheit
Switzerland |
Regional, Local, Single setting
Small children (0-5), Schoolchildren (6-11), Youths (12-18), Young adults (18-29), Older adults (50-64), Elderly (65-79), Aged (80+)
Educators/trainers, Parents, Managers/executives, Teachers, Students/trainees/apprentices, Persons with migration background, Politicians/lobbyists, Pregnant women, School children, General population, Other target group, Professionals
Educational institutions, Support and childcare facilities, Outpatient medical services, Community, leisure, associations, Internet , Workplace/enterprise, Family/Living space, Other setting, Not setting-oriented
Alcohol, Physical activity, Nutrition, Quality of life, Mental health, Tobacco , Other addictions, Other topic, Stress, Suicide, Workplace health management , Sustainable development, Social integration
non-governmental, public sector organization
Coaching/Support, Quality development, Gender perspective, Participatory approaches, Health promotion, Prevention, Communication, knowledge management, Education/further training, Lobbying, Other core activity, Evaluation, Supervision, Health literacy
Client, commissioning institution, Funding institution, Implementing body, Coaching, support, Evaluation, Quality development, Training and continuing education, Information, documentation, Other purpose