Prof. Dr.
Dr Michael P Schaub is Associate Professor at the University of Zurich, psychotherapist and Scientific Director of the Swiss Research Institute of Public Health and Addiction ISGF, a World Health Organization (WHO) Collaborating Centre, associated with the University of Zurich. One of his main focus is on Internet Interventions for the reduction of substance use and substance use disorders as well as for the treatment of behavioral addictions in high and middle income countries. He is a scientific expert in addiction research for the World Health Organisation (WHO) and at the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC).
Substance use, substance misuse and dependence, Internet, behavioral addictions, stress/burnout/depression, anxiety disorders, PTSD
Psychotherapie FSP; Doktorat, Habilitation an der Universität Zürich.
Valutazione, Supervisione, Sviluppo della qualità, Ricerca empirica, Promozione della salute, Gestione del know-how, Monitoraggio
Alcool, Droghe illegali, Salute psichica, Stress, Tabacco, Infortuni/ cadute, Promozione della salute in azienda
Internet , Non orientato verso il setting
Istruttori/trici ed educatori/trici, Quadri dirigenziali, Persone in formazione, Esperti
Giovani adulti (18-29), Adulti di età media (30-49), Adulti di età avanzata (50-64), Rappresentanti della terza età (65-79)
Di entrambi i sessi
Tedesco, Inglese, Francese